08 small habits that have a huge return on life.small habits that have a huge return on life .

1. Write things down.  This helps you to remember important information, track your progress, and come up with new ideas. 

2. Plan intentional breaks. Breaks are essential for productivity and creativity. Get up and move around, step outside for some fresh air, or do something else that you enjoy. 

3. Begin your day with the end in mind. Take a few minutes to think about what you want to accomplish that day. This will help you to stay focused and motivated. 

4. Drink a glass of water in the morning. This helps to hydrate your body and wake up your mind. Make this a regular habit for wonderfull day ahead.

5. Make walking a habit. Walking is a great way to get exercise, improve your mood, and clear your head. 

6.Start a weekly review What worked well? Where did you get stuck? What can you improve? What should you stop doing?

7. Practice the one-tab rule - use a single browser tab when you are working. It minimizes web distractions so you can stay on a single task.

8.The world's most successful people are always learning - be deliberate about how you feed your brain. Choose your knowledge sources carefully.