6 Ways to Make Women Respect You 

1.Be independent

Women are drawn to men who are independent and have their own lives.It simply means that you should have your own interests, hobbies, and friends outside of the relationship.

2.Respect yourself

Respecting yourself is essential to earning the respect of others. When you respect yourself, you stand up for yourself and you don't let people treat you poorly.

3.Transform words into action

This is especially true when it comes to earning the respect of women. Women want to see that you are a man of your word and willing to put your words into action.

4.Never display neediness and desperation

Women are turned off by men who are needy and desperate. This is because neediness and desperation are signs of weakness. Women want to be with a man who is confident .

5.Be bold and upfront with women

This doesn't mean that you should be rude or disrespectful. It simply means that you should be clear about your intentions and that you should be willing to take risks.

6.Learn how to control your emotions

Women are attracted to men who are emotionally stable and in control of their emotions.  It  means that you should be able to manage your emotions in a healthy way.